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Showing posts from June, 2014


Daily life at this point is extraordinary, if I can say so myself. I'm teaching an online class, which is ideal for a flexible work schedule and morning grading/coffee time. Sometimes I go for a runwalkrun in the morning, sometimes I sit outside and read, other times I get to the practice room early. Now that I'm officially registered for the marimba competition in Italy, my practices are regimented and planned. Oddly enough, I've memorized a few pieces in a short timespan. As a player who usually reads everything, I'm pretty proud of this. One of the pieces is by husband, and I find it hard to practice that piece when he's in the building. It's my own insecurity, I know. I'm sewing some each day, which makes me happy. I'm restarting The Artist's Way , which means I'm reconnecting with myself. I'm reading The Power of Now , a book that was recommended to me years ago by Dr. Sousa. I'm preparing my Movement for Musicians course for t